Home Care Service

Respite Care

Is an essential part of the overall support that families may need to keep their family member with a disability at home. The word “respite” means to take a break from the daily challenges of caring for a child or a parent with special needs. It can be planned for a few hours or for as long as a weekend. Respite can take place regularly or intermittently, as you need it; however, it does need to be planned in advance. IHC Support Services offers in home respite services for elderly and handicapped.

Daily Living Activities and Supportive Home Care

A range of services for participants who require assistance to meet their daily living needs, ensure adequate functioning in their home, and permit safe access to the community.

House Keeping and Meal Preparation

Routine housekeeping and cleaning activities including such tacks as washing dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, meal preparation, shopping and similar activities that do not involve hands on care of the member.​


To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please call or email to set a consultation meeting with us.